Pre-Mixed Mortar
High-performance cement mortar for injection rock bolt is developed with a special method to meet the needs of special projects such as tunnel excavation, slope stabilization and related geotechnical works. This product is prepared as mixed, ready-to-use dry mortar. The ingredients include Portland cement Type I, ultra-fine silica sand, and special additives.
◎ Well mixed product for easy application on site
◎ Excellent fluidity and workability
◎ High strength performance in 24 hours
◎ Nearly no shrinkage
◎Portland cement type 1 + additives : Silica sand = 1:1 (by weight)
◎Compressive strength within 24 hours reaches 28 Mpa (W/C ratio 0.35)
◎Silicate sand with round profile and diameter ≤ 0.3mm, adoptable with any precise dosing machine
◎Wrapped in a 3-in-1 combination of Kraft, laminated LDPE, and woven web at 30kg per package.