Liquid Accelerator Cartridge
The liquid accelerator cartridge is used for pre-stressed rock bolting application. The glass cartridge is filled with the liquid accelerator and aggregates. It reacts perfectly with our TITAN mortar, generating immediate loading capacity for pre-stressing the rock bolt in order to prevent from the displacement of rock mass. The cartridge is prepared as 25mm O.D. x 500mm L and inserted into the borehole after mortar is placed. Then the rock bolt will be pushed in and spun to break the cartridge in order to mix with mortar. To achieve better bonding, the rock bolt should still be kept for a few minutes before the pre-stressing rock bolt is applied.
◎No Chloride Ion contained that compromise the durability of steel rock bolt
◎Outstanding performance for generating immediate strength after mixing with mortar
◎A cost effective way when rock bolt pre-stressing is required